Workbench for Integrated Superfast Association study with Related Data

Output control options

  • Analysis summary
    • Export result with different format
    • Remove NAs from the output file
    • Filter variants of which p-values are in certain range
    • Report computing time for each test
  • Annotation summary
    • Using pre-defined annotation file
    • Annotate variants with each gene
    • Expading annotation range
    • Analyses supporting annotation functions

Analysis summary [top]

Export result with different format

From version 1.1.1, WISARD exports results with tab-separated values (TSV) format. This format is a tabular format that consists of multiple rows with tab-separated elements.

In addition to this TSV format, WISARD provides an option to select the format to be exported, and those options are the followings.

  • CSV format --outformat csv
  • Comma-separated values (CSV) format is similar with TSV, but separates elements by comma(,) character and covers string with double quote(") character. This format is widely used.

  • XML format --outformat xml
  • EXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable (from Wikipedia). WISARD exports the result using this format under --outformat xml, which is compatible with XML 1.0 specification.

    NA values will be exported with no value. ex)

  • JSON format --outformat json
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs (from Wikipedia). WISARD exports the result using this format as a single array under --outformat json. In the JSON-style result, each element is an object that contains a record, and each attribute in the object is the columns of the record.

    NA values will be exported with no value. ex) 'P_REGR':null

Remove NAs from the output file

If certin information is missing or misspecified, p-values cannot be calculated and NAs are reported. If you want to remove NAs in p-values, --remana can be used. In order to remove those NA p-values from the result of analyses, --remna can be used.

If multiple p-values for a single variant/gene are reported, result for a variant/gene are reported unless all p-values are NA.

Example code

Perform logistic regression and remove NAs from the output file C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed sample.bed --regression --remna --out res_regr_woNA

Filter variants of which p-values are in certain range

Results of variants/genes where their p-values are in certain range can be selectively reported by using --pvalrange option. If multiple p-values for a single variant/gene are reported, result for a variant/gene are reported if at least a signe p-value is in the specified range.

Example code

Perform regression and reports results of variants/genes of which p-values are less than 0.1 C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed sample.bed --regression --pvalrange [0,0.1\)

Report computing time for each test

Computational time for most of analysis supported by WISARD can be reported by using --time option.

Example code

Perform default gene-level tests and SKAT-o method, and report computation time for each test C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed sample.bed --set my_def.txt --genetest --skato --time --out res_genetest_skato_time

Annotation summary [top]

Annotation for association analyses provides various informations about the disease susceptibility locus. WISARD provides some functions for annotation by using information of genetic/physical position for each variant.

Using pre-defined annotation file

An annotation file format of WISARD is exactly equivalent with PLINK. Hence pre-defined annotation files for PLINK are also can be used to WISARD. In order to use those pre-defined annotation file, download it from this link.

Pre-defined annotation file is only available for human, especially for the build number hg17 and hg18!

Annotate variants with each gene

Result for each variant within a gene can be annotated by using --annogene option and they will be provided in the additional column, ANNO.

Example code

Do regression analysis and annotate result for each variant C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed sample.bed --annogene annotation.txt --regression

Expading annotation range

WISARD provides further function for annotating variants which are located near genes but not within genes. "--annorange k" makes WISARD annotates all variants of which distances with adjacent gene are less than k basepair.

Analyses supporting annotation functions

For the following analyses with WISARD, functions for annotating each variants can be applied:

  • Regression analysis
  • Quasi-likelihood-based analysis such as MQLS and FQLS
  • MAF estimation
  • HWE estimation

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Last modified : 2014-12-08 16:25:36