Workbench for Integrated Superfast Association study with Related Data

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

WISARD provides several helpful measures for variants in each chromosome. This section describes about

  • Summary
    • Founder-only
    • All-individual
  • Filtering variants by HWE test

    Summary [top]

    Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) can indicate inbreeding, population stratification, and genotyping errors. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test is often used for quality control (QC) of genetic variant. For case-control sample, HWE test with controls is recommended for QC and for cohort-based sample, HWE test with all samples is recommended. In particular, HWE test only with cases is sometimes useful for association analysis. WISARD provides HWE test and variant filtering based on the result. Small p-value indicates some evidence of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium.

    WISARD provides two statistics for HWE: exact method (Wigginton et al AJHG 2005) and chi-sqaure method. While p-value from the exact method is always stable, the p-value from chi-square method can be unstable if sample size is relatively small.

    For family-based samples, WISARD calculates HWE for two different sets of samples: founder-only and all-individuals. It should be noted that estimates from both strategies are same for population-based samples (such as case-control design), but for family-based samples, their estimates can be substantially different.


    Founder-only indicates that HWE for each variant is calculated by using only founders and it can be calculated with WISARD by using "--hwe" or "--hwe founder" option. This approach is computationally fast and easy to compute. However, if there are many founders with missing genotype, this approach is not efficient anymore. WISARD calculates HWE in this way by default and the output file extension is ".hwe".

    Perform HWE test with founders C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --hwe founder

    Above code produces the following [prefix].founders.hwe.

    founders.hwe is... A computed HWE using only founder samples (TSV)
    Column Format Modifier Description
    CHR integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test
    VARIANT integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test
    POS integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test
    ALT integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test
    ANNOT integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test
    GENO integer/integer/integer NONE Number of alleles for each of aa/Aa/AA, respectively
    O(HET) integer NONE Observed number of heterozygotes
    E(HET) real NONE Expected number of heterozygotes
    STAT_HWE real NONE Statistic of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test
    P_HWE real NONE Computed exact p-value of HWE test
    NIND integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test


    This approach is computationally fast and easy to compute. However nonfounders' genotype is not informative for HWE if founders' genotype is known. If family sizes are heterogeneous, the estimaed HWE using all individuals can be inefficient. In order to calculate HWE using all individuals, use option "--hwe all".

    Perform HWE test with all individuals C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --hwe all

    Above code produces the following [prefix].all.hwe.

    all.hwe is... A computed HWE using all samples (TSV)
    Column Format Modifier Description
    CHR Positive integer NONE The rank of least conditional variance
    VARIANT Positive integer NONE The rank of least conditional variance
    POS Positive integer NONE The rank of least conditional variance
    ALT Positive integer NONE The rank of least conditional variance
    ANNOT Positive integer NONE The rank of least conditional variance
    GENO integer/integer/integer NONE Number of alleles for each of aa/Aa/AA, respectively
    O(HET) integer NONE Observed number of heterozygotes
    E(HET) real NONE Expected number of heterozygotes
    STAT_HWE real NONE Statistic of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test
    P_HWE real NONE Exact p-value of HWE test
    NIND integer NONE Incorporated number of individuals for the test

    Filtering variants by HWE test [top]

    WISARD provides a simple option to filter variants of which pvalues for HWE are in a certain range by using --filhwe option. In this case, the exact method is applied to calculate p-value for HWE.
    The parameter of this option supports range type parameter
    Exclude by p-value of HWE test under 1e-7 C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --filhwe "<1e-7" --ped test_miss0.ped
    Include by p-value of HWE test greater than 0.05 C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --inchwe "(0.05,1]" --ped test_miss0.ped
    In these examples, --hwe option is not specified and thus HWE is calculated by the default method, founder-only. If you want to filter variants with HWE calculated by using all individuals, "--hwe all" option must be added.

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    Last modified : 2017-08-29 08:50:08