Workbench for Integrated Superfast Association study with Related Data

Genotype Missing Rate

This section describes about

  • Investigate genotype missingness
    • Output file
    • Filtering variants/samples by missing rate
  • Testing homogeneity of missing rates between case/control
    • Output file for mistest
    • Filtering samples by missingness test

Investigate genotype missingness [top]

WISARD reports missing rate of genotypes per variant and sample, and for family-based samples, it is also provided per families. Missing rate is sometimes called call rate and, for instance, individual call rate means the missing rate per individual. Large missing rate per variant or individuals can indicate genotyping errors, and they are often used for downstream QC. Summary of missing rate can be produced by adding --miss option as follows:

Investigate missingness of genotype C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --miss --out res_miss

Output file

Running WISARD with --miss option produces the following results.

sample.miss.lst is... A report of genotype missingness per sample (TSV)
Column Format Modifier Description
FID string NONE Family ID of sample that genotype missingness investigated
IID string NONE Individual ID of genotype missingness investigated
NMISS integer NONE Number of missing genotypes
PROP real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample

family.miss.lst is... A report of genotype missingness per family (TSV)
Detailed information about this format is not yet available

variant.miss.lst is... A report of genotype missingness per variant (TSV)
Column Format Modifier Description
CHR real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample
VARIANT real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample
POS real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample
ALT real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample
ANNOT real NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample
NMISS integer NONE Number of missing genotypes
PROP integer NONE Proportion of missingess for the sample

Filtering variants/samples by missing rate

Do an analysis after removing variants of their genotype caling rate is under 90% C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --filgvar "<0.9" --ped test_miss0.ped
Do an analysis after selecting variants of its genotype calling rate is <10% and >=50% C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --incgvar "(0.1,0.5]" --ped test_miss0.ped

It filters sample(s) by calling rate(or genotyping rate).

Do an analysis after removing samples of their genotype caling rate is under 80% C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --filgind "<0.8" --bed test_miss2.bed
Do an analysis after selecting samples of their genotype calling rate is >=70% and <99% C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --incgind "[0.7,0.99)" --bed test_miss2.bed

Testing homogeneity of missing rates between case/control [top]

For the dataset with dichotomous phenotype, WISARD can test whether the missing rates of variants are homogeneous between cases and controls with chi-square test. It can be conducted by adding --mistest option.

Perform case/control missingness test C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --mistest

Output file for mistest

Running WISARD with --mistest option produces the following [prefix].mistest.res:

mistest.res is... A result of test of random missingness between case/control (TSV)
Column Format Modifier Description
CHR real NONE Overall Ts/Tv ratio in current chromosome
VARIANT real NONE Overall Ts/Tv ratio in current chromosome
POS real NONE Overall Ts/Tv ratio in current chromosome
ALT real NONE Overall Ts/Tv ratio in current chromosome
ANNOT real NONE Overall Ts/Tv ratio in current chromosome
P_MISTEST_(phenotype name) real --sampvar,--pname p-value of random missingness test for given binary phenotype

When there are multiple phenotypes in the dataset, all phenotypes must be dichotomous to perform missingness test. Note that an inclusion/exclusion of variants from dataset can be achieved with --mistest, by --incmistest or --filmistest. When there are multiple phenotypes in the dataset, a variant will be chosen or removed if at least one test has satisfied.

Filtering samples by missingness test

Do an analysis after removing variants if the p-value of test < 0.05 C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --filmistest "<0.05" --ped test_miss0.ped
Do an analysis after selecting variants if the p-value of test > 0.05 C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --incmistest "(0.05,1]" --ped test_miss0.ped

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Last modified : 2017-08-29 08:53:10