Workbench for Integrated Superfast Association study with Related Data

Variant-level Summary

  • Related options : --variantsummary, --indel, --monotone, --singleton, --doubleton, --popuniq, --famuniq

WISARD provides several helpful measures for variants in each chromosome. This section describes about

  • Variant summary
    • Output file
  • Detecting monotone/singleton/doubleton
    • Detecting family-specific variants
      • Detecting population-specific variants

        Variant summary [top]

        WISARD can provide a summary for variants in each chromosome, and it is produced with --variantsummary option. If --indel option is added, the summary for each chromosome includes information about indel and substitution.

        Running WISARD with --variantsummary option provides the following information for variants in each chromosome:

        • Minimum/maximum physical position of variants
        • Number of variants
        • Number of monotones/singletons/doubletons

        Running WISARD with --variantsummary and --indel options provides the following information for variants in each chromosome:

        • Number of insertions
        • Length of shortest/longest insertion
        • Average length of insertions
        • Number of deletions
        • Length of shortest/longest deletion
        • Average length of deletions
        • Number of substitutions
        Example: Generate variant summary for test_miss0.bed C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --indel --variantsummary --out res_variant_summary

        Output file

        From this code, summary.variant.res is generated and the meaning of each column is

        summary.variant.res is... A chromosome-wise summary for the various information from variants (TSV)
        Column Format Modifier Description
        CHR 1~22/X/Y/Mt/Un NONE Target chromosome
        MINPOS integer NONE Minimally observed physical position for current chromosome in the dataset
        MAXPOS integer NONE Maximally observed physical position for current chromosome in the dataset
        NSNV integer NONE Number of Single Nucleotide Variants in current chromosome
        NMONO integer NONE Number of monotone variants in current chromosome
        NSINGLETON integer NONE Number of singleton variants in current chromosome
        NDOUBLETON integer NONE Number of doubleton variants in current chromosome
        NSUB real --indel Number of substitutions in current chromosome
        NINS real --indel Number of insertions in current chromosome
        MININS real --indel A length of shortest insertion in current chromosome
        MAXINS real --indel A length of longest insertion in current chromosome
        AVGINS real --indel An average length of insertions in current chromosome
        NDEL real --indel Number of deletions in current chromosome
        MINDEL real --indel A length of shortest deletion in current chromosome
        MAXDEL real --indel A length of longest deletion in current chromosome
        AVGDEL real --indel An average length of deletions in current chromosome

        Detecting monotone/singleton/doubleton [top]

        WISARD provides options to find out monotone (Have no alternative allele), singleton(single alternative allele in the dataset) and doubleton(two alternative alleles in the dataset). Monotone is not informative for genetic association analysis. Central limit theorem is hardly met for singletone and doubleton, and single variant analysis with them has large false negative/positive finding. Therefore, it is better to remove monotone, singleton and doubleton from the analysis.

        Find out monotone variants C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --monotone --out res_monotone_variants
        Find out singleton variants C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --singleton --out res_singleton_variants
        Find out doubleton variants C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --doubleton --out res_doubleton_variants

        Detecting family-specific variants [top]

        Some variants are family-specific: i.e., minor alleles are observed only for individuals in a single family. Runnging WISARD with --famuniq option provides summary about the family-specific variants.

        Find out family-specific variants C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --famuniq --out res_famuniq_variants
        variant.famuniq.res is... A list of family-specific variants (TSV)
        Column Format Modifier Description
        CHR integer --set Number of variants in the group
        VARIANT integer --set Number of variants in the group
        POS integer --set Number of variants in the group
        ALT integer --set Number of variants in the group
        ANNOT integer --set Number of variants in the group
        FID string NONE Family ID having that variant
        COUNT string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat

        Detecting population-specific variants [top]

        Some variants are population-specific: i.e., minor alleles are observed only for individuals in a single population. Runnging WISARD with --popuniq option provides summary about the population-specific variants. Note that this option requires an assignment of population group for samples. To understand this, refer this section.

        Find out population-specific variants C:\Users\WISARD> wisard --bed test_miss0.bed --sampvar test_miss0_phen.txt --popuniq region --out res_popuniq_variants
        variant.popuniq.res is... A list of population-specific variants (TSV)
        Column Format Modifier Description
        CHR string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat
        VARIANT string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat
        POS string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat
        ALT string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat
        ANNOT string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat
        POP_ID string NONE Population ID having that variant
        COUNT string NONE Minor allele count for that varinat

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        Last modified : 2017-08-30 18:41:15