
Fuzzy MDR


This fold includes R source files for implementation of the numerical study in the manuscript submitted to BMC Genomics, 2016, titled “A novel multifactor dimensionality reduction method based on fuzzy set theory for detecting gene-gene interaction”.


The following functions are implemented in the source code:
mdr.fuzzycv —— Implements Fuzzy MDR with cross-validation
mdr.fuzzy —— Performs Fuzzy MDR over a specified set of combinations of variables/loci
mdr.fhr ——Estimates the accuracy of an Fuzzy MDR model given high-risk/low-risk status


mdr.fuzzycv(data, K=2, cv=10, ratio = NULL, genotype = c(0,1,2),memb=”linear”,criteria_OR=2,weight=1 ) memb= “original” -> original MDR “linear”-> linear membership “sigmoid”-> sigmoid membership


The above contents including the R code and sample dataset can be download from the below link.

R code download Sample dataset download

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