This fold includes R source files for implementation of the numerical study in the manuscript submitted to Bioinformatics, 2014, titled “AucPR: An AUC-based approach using penalized regression for disease prediction with high-dimensional omics data.”.
The following source codes are included:
AucPR.R —— List all functions needed.
Simu_Setting.R —— Generate setting for simulations.
Case_Study.R ——- A simulation study and a real example study are considered.
mhsauc_tgdr.f90 —– The fortran code to implement Ma & Huang’s method (MSauc), and mhsauc_tgdr.dll is its dll version. We call it from R.
For detail, please see the R codes.
You can download a zipped file contains source codes and this README from this link : Codes_Penalized_AUC