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Sample information
Group [c2]
(45 samples)
   GSM1540916   GSM1540917   GSM1540918   GSM1540919   GSM1540920   GSM1540921   GSM1540922   GSM1540923   GSM1540924   GSM1540925
   GSM1540926   GSM1540927   GSM1540928   GSM1540929   GSM1540930   GSM1540931   GSM1540932   GSM1540933   GSM1540934   GSM1540935
   GSM1540936   GSM1540937   GSM1540938   GSM1540939   GSM1540940   GSM1540941   GSM1540942   GSM1540943   GSM1540944   GSM1540945
   GSM1540946   GSM1540947   GSM1540948   GSM1540949   GSM1540950   GSM1540951   GSM1540952   GSM1540953   GSM1540954   GSM1540955
   GSM1540956   GSM1540957   GSM1540958   GSM1540959   GSM1540960
Group [c1]
(45 samples)
   GSM1540871   GSM1540872   GSM1540873   GSM1540874   GSM1540875   GSM1540876   GSM1540877   GSM1540878   GSM1540879   GSM1540880
   GSM1540881   GSM1540882   GSM1540883   GSM1540884   GSM1540885   GSM1540886   GSM1540887   GSM1540888   GSM1540889   GSM1540890
   GSM1540891   GSM1540892   GSM1540893   GSM1540894   GSM1540895   GSM1540896   GSM1540897   GSM1540898   GSM1540899   GSM1540900
   GSM1540901   GSM1540902   GSM1540903   GSM1540904   GSM1540905   GSM1540906   GSM1540907   GSM1540908   GSM1540909   GSM1540910
   GSM1540911   GSM1540912   GSM1540913   GSM1540914   GSM1540915
Significant pathways

[44/95] pathways contains significant subpathways
MAPK signaling pathway (hsa04010)
ErbB signaling pathway (hsa04012)
Chemokine signaling pathway (hsa04062)
p53 signaling pathway (hsa04115)
Apoptosis (hsa04210)
Wnt signaling pathway (hsa04310)
Notch signaling pathway (hsa04330)
VEGF signaling pathway (hsa04370)
Focal adhesion (hsa04510)
Adherens junction (hsa04520)
NOD-like receptor signaling pathway (hsa04621)
RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway (hsa04622)
Cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway (hsa04623)
Jak-STAT signaling pathway (hsa04630)
Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity (hsa04650)
T cell receptor signaling pathway (hsa04660)
B cell receptor signaling pathway (hsa04662)
Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway (hsa04664)
Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis (hsa04666)
Circadian rhythm (hsa04710)
Neurotrophin signaling pathway (hsa04722)
Regulation of actin cytoskeleton (hsa04810)
Insulin signaling pathway (hsa04910)
GnRH signaling pathway (hsa04912)
Melanogenesis (hsa04916)
Adipocytokine signaling pathway (hsa04920)
Type II diabetes mellitus (hsa04930)
Prion diseases (hsa05020)
Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells (hsa05100)
Shigellosis (hsa05131)
Leishmaniasis (hsa05140)
Chagas disease (hsa05142)
Pathways in cancer (hsa05200)
Renal cell carcinoma (hsa05211)
Endometrial cancer (hsa05213)
Glioma (hsa05214)
Prostate cancer (hsa05215)
Thyroid cancer (hsa05216)
Melanoma (hsa05218)
Bladder cancer (hsa05219)
Chronic myeloid leukemia (hsa05220)
Acute myeloid leukemia (hsa05221)
Small cell lung cancer (hsa05222)
Non-small cell lung cancer (hsa05223)

Drug repurposing [?]
Drugbank (The triangular compound term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
Drugbank w/ drug-likeness (The triangular compound term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
PharmGKB (The triangular drug term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
PharmGKB w/ drug-likeness (The triangular drug term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
Diseases (HGMD) (The triangular disease term that is
associated with greater than or equal to genes)
Layout options
Overlays Show the gene fold change of groups c2 over c1
Colors Overexpressed in c1 Overexpressed in c2
Layout Automatic layout
Result visualization [?]

Network figure export [?]
Download & job description
Download results
* The file contains the network which can be imported into the Cytoscape.

* The file contains the network and the relevant drugs from DrugBank database, with q-value<0.05 by Fisher's exact test.. The file can be imported into the Cytoscape network tool.

Job ID0324125153
Original filenameGSE63089.sip.txt
Is the data log2-transformed?Yes
Date of submission2024-05-03 04:53:06
Date of last update2023-12-13 20:46:08
Job progress195/195 complete
Step 1Complete
Step 2Waiting...
Step 3Waiting...
Step 4Waiting...
Step 5Complete
Step 6Complete
Step 7Complete
Step 8Complete
Step 9Complete
Job management
PATHOME-Drug version 1.0
All rights reserved to BIBS laboratory, Seoul National University, Korea.