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Sample information
Group [c1]
(39 samples)
   GSM908770   GSM908771   GSM908772   GSM908807   GSM908812   GSM908814   GSM908815   GSM908816   GSM908817   GSM908819
   GSM908820   GSM908821   GSM908822   GSM908823   GSM908834   GSM908835   GSM908836   GSM908837   GSM908838   GSM908839
   GSM908840   GSM908841   GSM908842   GSM908843   GSM908844   GSM908845   GSM908846   GSM908847   GSM908848   GSM908849
   GSM908850   GSM908851   GSM908852   GSM908862   GSM908863   GSM908864   GSM908865   GSM908866   GSM908867
Group [c2]
(112 samples)
   GSM908687   GSM908688   GSM908689   GSM908690   GSM908691   GSM908692   GSM908693   GSM908694   GSM908695   GSM908696
   GSM908697   GSM908698   GSM908699   GSM908700   GSM908701   GSM908702   GSM908703   GSM908704   GSM908705   GSM908706
   GSM908707   GSM908708   GSM908709   GSM908710   GSM908711   GSM908712   GSM908713   GSM908714   GSM908715   GSM908716
   GSM908717   GSM908718   GSM908719   GSM908720   GSM908721   GSM908722   GSM908723   GSM908724   GSM908725   GSM908726
   GSM908727   GSM908728   GSM908729   GSM908730   GSM908731   GSM908732   GSM908733   GSM908734   GSM908735   GSM908736
   GSM908737   GSM908738   GSM908739   GSM908740   GSM908741   GSM908742   GSM908743   GSM908744   GSM908745   GSM908746
   GSM908747   GSM908748   GSM908749   GSM908750   GSM908751   GSM908752   GSM908753   GSM908754   GSM908755   GSM908756
   GSM908757   GSM908758   GSM908759   GSM908760   GSM908761   GSM908762   GSM908763   GSM908764   GSM908765   GSM908766
   GSM908767   GSM908768   GSM908769   GSM908808   GSM908809   GSM908810   GSM908811   GSM908813   GSM908818   GSM908824
   GSM908825   GSM908826   GSM908827   GSM908828   GSM908829   GSM908830   GSM908831   GSM908832   GSM908833   GSM908853
   GSM908854   GSM908855   GSM908856   GSM908857   GSM908858   GSM908859   GSM908860   GSM908861   GSM908868   GSM908869
   GSM908870   GSM908871
Significant pathways

[39/95] pathways contains significant subpathways
MAPK signaling pathway (hsa04010)
ErbB signaling pathway (hsa04012)
Chemokine signaling pathway (hsa04062)
Cell cycle (hsa04110)
Oocyte meiosis (hsa04114)
Apoptosis (hsa04210)
Wnt signaling pathway (hsa04310)
Axon guidance (hsa04360)
VEGF signaling pathway (hsa04370)
Focal adhesion (hsa04510)
NOD-like receptor signaling pathway (hsa04621)
Jak-STAT signaling pathway (hsa04630)
Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity (hsa04650)
T cell receptor signaling pathway (hsa04660)
B cell receptor signaling pathway (hsa04662)
Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway (hsa04664)
Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis (hsa04666)
Neurotrophin signaling pathway (hsa04722)
Olfactory transduction (hsa04740)
Regulation of actin cytoskeleton (hsa04810)
Insulin signaling pathway (hsa04910)
GnRH signaling pathway (hsa04912)
Adipocytokine signaling pathway (hsa04920)
Alzheimer's disease (hsa05010)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (hsa05014)
Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells (hsa05100)
Vibrio cholerae infection (hsa05110)
Leishmaniasis (hsa05140)
Chagas disease (hsa05142)
Pathways in cancer (hsa05200)
Colorectal cancer (hsa05210)
Renal cell carcinoma (hsa05211)
Glioma (hsa05214)
Prostate cancer (hsa05215)
Melanoma (hsa05218)
Chronic myeloid leukemia (hsa05220)
Acute myeloid leukemia (hsa05221)
Small cell lung cancer (hsa05222)
Non-small cell lung cancer (hsa05223)

Drug repurposing [?]
Drugbank (The triangular compound term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
Drugbank w/ drug-likeness (The triangular compound term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
PharmGKB (The triangular drug term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
PharmGKB w/ drug-likeness (The triangular drug term that is associated
with greater than or equal to genes)
Diseases (HGMD) (The triangular disease term that is
associated with greater than or equal to genes)
Layout options
Overlays Show the gene fold change of groups c2 over c1
Colors Overexpressed in c1 Overexpressed in c2
Layout Automatic layout
Result visualization [?]

Network figure export [?]
Download & job description
Download results
* The file contains the network which can be imported into the Cytoscape.

* The file contains the network and the relevant drugs from DrugBank database, with q-value<0.05 by Fisher's exact test.. The file can be imported into the Cytoscape network tool.

Job ID0324023355
Original filenameGSE37023-GPL96.sip.txt
Is the data log2-transformed?Yes
Date of submission2024-05-03 07:12:25
Date of last update2023-12-13 20:46:11
Job progress195/195 complete
Step 1Complete
Step 2Waiting...
Step 3Waiting...
Step 4Complete
Step 5Complete
Step 6Complete
Step 7Complete
Step 8Complete
Step 9Complete
Job management
PATHOME-Drug version 1.0
All rights reserved to BIBS laboratory, Seoul National University, Korea.